
Aquamarine with mica


A stunning large single aquamarine gemstone, much of which lets light through to really appreciate the fine structure of this popular beryl. Wth tiny flecks of eye-catching mica, this is a really beautiful specimen and loving support for work on our throat chakra.

Weight 0.030 kg
Dimensions 5 × 2.5 × 2.2 cm

Crown / Sahasrara, Throat / Vishuddha, Heart / Anahata


Communication, Love and Joy, Mental Focus, Protection


Aquamarine, Mica



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The Stone of Courage supports developing greater self-knowledge and spiritual awareness while protecting the aura. It enhances intellectual pursuits and learning, paring back and simplification and taking responsibility for one’s self. Aquamarine has a gentleness that promotes tolerance and moderation in our interactions.
  • Aries
  • Gemini
  • Pisces
Number vibration: 1  
A variety of beryl, light blue to pale green.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 8  


Brings clarity of vision and focus on detail. Provides for self-reflection, helping us to recognise characteristics in others we will work on in ourselves. Diminishes insomnia, anger and nervous energy.
  • Aquarius
Number vibration: 8  
A large group of phyllosilicate minerals, including lepidolite and fuchsite.

X2Y4-6Z8O20(OH,F)4 (X=K, Na or Ca etc) (Y=Al, Mg or Fe etc) (Z=Si or Al etc)

Mohs scale mineral hardness: 3  