Bumble bee jasper obelisk


A bright bumble bee obelisk, with a lovely layered pattern reminiscent of it’s cousin, lace agate, with a striking yellow block covering one whole side. A really good piece of this popular jasper.

Weight 0.058 kg
Dimensions 2.4 × 2.4 × 6.3 cm

Sacral / Svadhisthana, Root / Muladhara


Love and Joy, Protection, Serenity, Vitality




Cut and Polished, Home Decor

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The Supreme Nurturer, keeps our energy strong when we would otherwise feel ill or weak. Reminds us to gift joy and spread warm solar energy. Revered as a sacred protector during spiritual and physical journeying, brings new ideas and vitality. Connects us to earth energy, aligning the chakras, balancing our physical, emotional, intellectual and etheric systems.
  • Leo
Number vibration: 6  
An opaque and patterned form of chalcedony.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 7