

A rich pink morganite, natural and clear, and utterly lovely to hold.

Weight 0.0009 kg
Dimensions 1.3 × 0.5 × 0.8 cm

Heart / Anahata


Communication, Love and Joy, Serenity




Jewellery, Natural

Uncut gemstones, ideal for creating grids for focus, for an intention to effect or affirm change and for all kinds of creative fun, such as jewellery making and textural art.

Note: Sold individually. The weight and size shown is an average of several and so your piece may be slightly bigger or smaller.

NB. 1g = 5 carat

Out of stock

Uncut gemstones, ideal for creating grids for focus, for an intention to effect or affirm change and for all kinds of creative fun, such as jewellery making and textural art.

Note: Sold individually. The weight and size shown is an average of several and so your piece may be slightly bigger or smaller.

NB. 1g = 5 carat


A mineral of relationships, this beryl supports loving thoughts, communication, development and equality. While this helps us to create good personal relationships, morganite also facilitates happy, harmonious and productive group and shared work. Moves us from a winner versus loser mentality to that of embracing the benefits of mutual cooperation, shared goals and perceptions.

  • Libra
Number vibration: 3  
Beryllium aluminium silicate coloured pale pink with trace amounts of manganese.


Mohs scale mineral hardness: 8  
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